Hear from 4 inspirational ALS warriors who are in the fight of their life as they live with ALS, a terminal illness that has no cure.

In honor of ALS Awareness Month and New York Yankees #4 Lou Gehrig, I catch up with 4 people living with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) who are living the same fate of ALS.

I’m so grateful for my guests Bernadine Okeke, Taya Jones, Bruce Rosenblum and Zamir Kociaj.

I asked a group of listeners who are not in the ALS community, what they were most curious about when it comes to ALS. My gracious guests, open their hearts and answer those questions and more. A few examples, How do you find joy every day, knowing you have a terminal illness? After being diagnosed with ALS, is your faith more or less? Do you see the world differently now? It’s powerful to hear from those who realize their time on earth is more limited due to a fatal disease that doesn’t have a cure. I’m so excited to share this special episode with you. All of us living with ALS, ask you to share this inspiring episode and help bring others into our world. Having others join our fight for a cure will help end this horrific disease and spare future generations to come.

Thank you for listening.

Hugs, Lorri

About Lorri Carey

On Friday the 13th, February 2004 at the age of 37, I was told I have ALS. I’m dying from ALS, yet I’m so encouraged to live life to the fullest. I’ve been inspired by so much to stay focused on the positive. I’m dying to tell you about what gives me strength, makes me smile and keeps me hopeful – in hopes of inspiring you too!


  1. Linda Oesterwinter on May 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

    Awesome! My husband fought the good fight and lived for 6 years ( age 52) and passed peacefully. My dream is a cure and for those experiencing this with their families they will smile all the way. They don’t leave us we bring them along with us 🙏

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