Battling ALS with a SMILE
Thank you for listening to Smilin' Paul Rinderknecht. I had plans to interview him again but missed that opportunity with his sudden passing just 3 weeks after our interview. But I am so happy to have had this episode to share. I hope you enjoyed his testimony. He really puts life in perspective. ALS is such a cruel disease, but Paul found it easier to smile than to frown during his experience. Paul's wife, Leslie has offered to join my Podcast Community Group where you can interact with her, ask about caring for someone with ALS, how to talk to young children about a parent's terminal illness or simply show support.
I invite you to join my Facebook Group!
You can also email me directly at
Thank you and know you are loved & not alone!
Hugs, Lorri

About Lorri Carey
On Friday the 13th, February 2004 at the age of 37, I was told I have ALS. I’m dying from ALS, yet I’m so encouraged to live life to the fullest. I’ve been inspired by so much to stay focused on the positive. I’m dying to tell you about what gives me strength, makes me smile and keeps me hopeful – in hopes of inspiring you too!