Here I chat with ALS advocate and boa flouncer Katrina Byrd about her experience as a caregiver and what led her to write, "The Language of Forgiveness."

Meet Katrina Byrd, a writer, playwright and ALS advocate, of Jackson, Mississippi. She's an inspiration to many as she is a perfect example of courage, love, acceptance and foregiveness. Katrina is legally blind and is no stranger to life obstacles of her own. Yet, she cared for her partner, Dora Robertson who died from ALS just 76 days after being diagnosed with the disease. Katrina also goes by "The Boa Flouncer" to help others going through a grief journey. Fully aware of the devastating impacts of the journey of ALS, Katrina is honored to use her alter ego, "The Flouncer" which Dora helped to develop, to recognize others who advocate, educate and create ALS awareness. She co-leads the Many Shades of ALS Community Team at I AM ALS which brings attention to and provides resources for the mental, physical and social health of people of color living with and impacted by ALS. This time, we are flouncing our boat at you, Katrina.

Hugs, Lorri

About Lorri Carey

On Friday the 13th, February 2004 at the age of 37, I was told I have ALS. I’m dying from ALS, yet I’m so encouraged to live life to the fullest. I’ve been inspired by so much to stay focused on the positive. I’m dying to tell you about what gives me strength, makes me smile and keeps me hopeful – in hopes of inspiring you too!

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