Tackling Tough Conversations About ALS (Part 2/2)
Here I talk to Amy, Jim and Matt who are living with ALS about having the toughest conversations of their lives.
When you’re living with a terminal illness that doesn’t have a cure and typically gives you just a few years to live, like ALS, the most difficult conversations come up quick. In this episode, I bring together 3 others who are living with ALS to talk about their experiences with these tough conversations. Here, I’m talking to Amy Stiens, Jim Plews-Ogan and Matt Klingenberg. I am grateful for their willingness to chat about how they were told they had a terminal illness with no cure, how they told their children and friends and even the toughest conversations yet. Amy, Jim & Matt share their advice on how to go about having "tough talks" like these as well. Thanks for listening in and sharing with a friend.
Hugs, Lorri