An encouaging conversation with Beth Guckenberger, Co-Executive Director of Back2Back Ministries about reckless faith, family and her heart for orphans.

A wonderful conversation with Beth Guckenberger as she shares her personal stories that have fueled her to live a life of reckless faith. She is a missionary, speaker, author, wife and mother. Beth and her husband, Todd, serve as Co-Executive Directors of Back2Back Ministries - an international orphan-care organization . Between biological, foster, and adopted children, they have raised eleven children. Beth is the author of nine books including adult and children’s titles. She travels and speaks all over the world about orphan-care and reckless faith. Her encouragement is absolutely precious.

Hugs, Lorri

About Lorri Carey

On Friday the 13th, February 2004 at the age of 37, I was told I have ALS. I’m dying from ALS, yet I’m so encouraged to live life to the fullest. I’ve been inspired by so much to stay focused on the positive. I’m dying to tell you about what gives me strength, makes me smile and keeps me hopeful – in hopes of inspiring you too!

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